Icon Discount
$240.00 - $350.00ea
This icon shows the Holy Mother of God and Virgin Mary bending over in a tender embrace to kiss her Divine Son. As it says in the Vespers service for the Eve of the Nativity of Christ, “The undefiled Virgin, beholding the pre-eternal God as a child that had taken flesh from her, held Him in her arms and without ceasing she kissed Him.” The Lord, as shown in this icon, bends His head back and brings His cheek to rest against His mother’s cheek. They have a very unique relationship, close yet reverent, intimate yet respectful, for it is foremost an icon of the love of God for mankind, and the love and worship in return of mankind towards their King and their God.
We too are supposed to gain, by the opening our hearts as the Virgin did so well, the proactive and growing love of God in a most personal yet awesome way. The Infinite God shared our nature as humanity and invites us to be with Him, that we “may be one; as Thou, Father art in Me, and I in Thee, that they may be one in Us.” (John 17:21) The flesh that we receive in Holy Communion came directly from the Virgin, our mother indeed!
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