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SAINT JOHN THE FORERUNNER 9361 The life of the glorious and angelic Forerunner as recorded in the Gospels is truly an inspiration and example to all Christians. From his very birth he became famous throughout Israel by virtue of the divine signs which attended him, so much so that many later thought that he was the Messiah. Denying this, with his customary forthright humility, he proclaimed Jesus as Christ. St. John was beheaded essentially because he reprimanded Herod and Herodias for their unlawful union.
Feast Days: Beheading – 29th August
Feast Days: First and Second Finding – 24th February
Feast Days: Third Finding – 25th May
Feast Days: Conception – 23rd September
Feast Days: Nativity – 24th June
Feast Days: Synaxis – 7th January
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