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Saint Thomas the Apostle is one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ. He came from a family of fishermen. While his feast day is on October 6 but he is especially honoured by the Church on Sunday of St. Thomas, also known as Second Sunday or Antipascha.

Thomas refused to believe that the resurrected Jesus had appeared to the ten other apostles because of his absence from the first appearance of the Risen Christ. Eight days later, in the presence of Jesus Christ and his disciples, Thomas became that person who publicly claims the certainty of the Lord’s Resurrection due to “good Incredulity,” his fruitful insistence on witnessing the glorious miracle by meeting the Savior Christ. Then, he was motivated by Jesus Christ to feel the wounds from the spear and the nails of the crucifixion and not to remain unfaithful, but to become faithful. In awe, Thomas worships the Risen Lord, exclaiming: “My Lord and my God.” The answer of the Risen Jesus will teach through the ages all those who will want to remain sceptical before the truth of the Gospel: “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

After the apparition of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost, obeying the command of the resurrected Christ, “therefore go and make disciples of all nations,” Saint Thomas preached the Word of God to the Parthians, the Medes, the Persians and the Indians. In India, the Apostle Thomas was arrested by King Misdeus for catechising and baptizing his son Juzanes, his wife Tertia and his daughters Mygdonia and Narka. Because he persuaded the king’s family to embrace Christianity, he was arrested by five soldiers who and was taken to a mountain, where he was speared and killed, confirming that he, like most of the Apostles, would preach the word of the Gospel, but they will also become Martyrs of the Faith.

Feast Days: 6th October, Thomas Sunday, 30th June and 20th June

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