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St. Sabbas the Sanctified (a.d. 439-532) was born near Caesarea of Cappadocia in Asia Minor and went to a monastery when he was just eight years old.  He flourished there and at 17 received the monastic tonsure.  Traveling to Jerusalem years later, St. Sabbas saw the clairvoyant St. Euthymius, who directed him to live with St. Theoctistus, where he was trained in deep spiritual life.

After his elder died he became more hermitic, and when St. Euthymius also died, he went to live in a cave near St. Gerasimus Monastery near the Jordan River.  Monastics came to live under his guidance and finally in a.d. 484 he founded the famous Monastery of Mar Saba in the Kedron Valley near Jerusalem.  He strictly opposed the Origenist and Monophysite Heresies, defending the Orthodox teaching and understanding as true and most precious.  He was known for his many miracles and his wise counsel, curing many of the sick and possessed.  St. Sabbas was ordained a priest in a.d. 491, and was made the overseer of the monasteries in Palestine in a.d. 494.  He also wrote the monastic church typicon, which is foundational to this day.  O Holy St. Sabbas, pray for us!

FeastDay: 5th December and 13th October

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